Our Story
In 1997, our family business started with 16 hives. Aaron and Shannon both grew up in business working with bees alongside their parents, Henry and Sara. In 2000, the expanding business was named Sun River Honey and the honey house was established on the family farm near Grandora, Saskatchewan, Canada.
After many years of beekeeping, we saw a need to learn how to export our bulk honey to the USA. We sold our bulk honey for many years but we were frustrated to see our beautiful white local honey being used to lighten liquid honey blends. We knew it just needed to be handled properly to really show it's amazing natural creamy qualities.
We added a packaging line to our facility and spent over a year on research to perfect our handling methods, creating a proprietary soft and always spreadable creamy honey. This allowed our local honey to shine and gave our customers who loved creamed honey a softer, more spreadable version.
In the fall of 2019, our company transitioned out of primary production in order to focus on packaging, and exporting our local honey.
Because of our many years of beekeeping, we also saw a need to give back. We implemented a Pollinator Pasture Program that plants 1 square foot of pollinator pasture for every retail jar sold. Through this program, we have been able to provide our customers with delicious, healthy and spreadable honey as well as improve the health of pollinators.
Meet the Team
![]() Aaron ComerfordPresident |
![]() Shannon ComerfordChief Operating Officer |
![]() Henry ComerfordHead of Machinery Director of Pollinator Pasture |
![]() Sara ComerfordOffice Administrator Contract Beekeeper |
Our Location
We are located west of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Geographically, we are centered between the North Saskatchewan and the South Saskatchewan Rivers on the pristine Canadian Prairies. Beautiful skies and endless horizons have earned our province of Saskatchewan the nickname "Land of Living Skies". Our pristine environment and long sunny days allow the bees to produce some of the highest quality, most sought after honey in the world.
Featuring Sun River Honey
The Western Producer interviews Sun River Honey!

Photo and Article by Brian Cross
On July 19, 2013, an article published by The Western Producer which featured our own Sun River Honey titled Honey producers proud, confident. Featuring how the beesiness started and the development throughout the years. To learn more about our story, read here.
Sun River Honey in Sasknow
Sask. honey industry anticipates sweet year, a headline by Nigel Maxwell for Sasknow on April 17, 2019. Featuring Sara's comment about the Sweet Year which has a big impact for the honey industry. A big comeback from big loss experienced a year earlier. Read now.
Agriculture in the Classroom visits Sun River Honey!
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Saskatchewan Trade & Export Partnership
Sun River Honey Creates a Buzz! STEP’s Global Ventures publication on Spring 2021. Read here.